How do I get particles to settle to the bottom of my pool?

» Posted by on May 1, 2014 in | 0 comments

How do I get particles to settle to the bottom of my pool?

Sometimes, simply leaving the pump off for 24 to 48 hrs will allow particles to settle without adding additional chemicals if you’re lucky.  If you have a floor circulation system with a Leaf Trapper, you can remove the bullet from the bottom of the Leaf Trapper to stop flow to the floor jets allowing particles to settle.  If you have a floor circulation system without a Leaf Trapper, you most likely can pause the system so that the flow is not going to the floor jets so that particles will settle.  If you have a Sand filter, you can add Last Resort, according to directions, which works wonderfully or Flock as a settling agent.  These products do not work in heavy rains so check the forecast before addition.  The pool must be left off after adding so that particles settle.  The pool must then be vacuumed on “waste” position.  If you do not have a “waste” position on your filter then you should consult with us about possible other options to clear the pool.